Saturday 11 May 2024



Dealing with wedding ceremony nerves is a common experience for many couples as they prepare to exchange vows and commit to a lifetime together. Whether it's butterflies in the stomach, jitters, or full-blown anxiety, feeling nervous before the ceremony is perfectly normal. However, it's essential to find ways to manage these nerves so that you can fully enjoy and savor the moment when it finally arrives. In this guide, we'll explore advice and strategies for couples to cope with wedding ceremony nerves and ensure that they feel calm, confident, and present on their special day.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings:

The first step in dealing with wedding ceremony nerves is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. It's okay to feel nervous or anxious about such a significant life event. Recognizing and validating your emotions can help alleviate some of the pressure and allow you to approach the ceremony with more self-compassion and understanding.

2. Communicate with Your Partner:

Talk to your partner about how you're feeling leading up to the ceremony. Sharing your nerves with each other can help you feel less alone and more supported. You can reassure each other, offer words of encouragement, and remind yourselves why you're choosing to take this important step together.

3. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine to help manage wedding ceremony nerves. This could include deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can help calm your mind and body, reduce stress levels, and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

4. Focus on the Present Moment:

Instead of getting caught up in worries or "what ifs" about the future, focus on the present moment leading up to the ceremony. Take time to appreciate the love and support surrounding you, the beauty of the moment, and the joy of celebrating with your loved ones. Remind yourself to stay present and enjoy each precious moment as it unfolds.

5. Visualize a Positive Outcome:

Use visualization techniques to imagine a positive outcome for the ceremony. Picture yourselves standing together, exchanging vows, and feeling a sense of love, joy, and connection. Visualizing success can help boost your confidence and alleviate anxiety about the unknown.

6. Delegate Tasks and Responsibilities:

Delegate tasks and responsibilities to trusted friends, family members, or wedding vendors to alleviate some of the pressure leading up to the ceremony. Knowing that you have a support system in place can help ease your mind and allow you to focus on enjoying the moment.

7. Get Plenty of Rest and Self-Care:

Prioritize self-care in the days leading up to the ceremony by getting plenty of rest, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in activities that help you relax and recharge. Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is essential for managing stress and anxiety effectively.

8. Practice Your Vows and Ceremony:

Practice reciting your vows and going through the ceremony with your partner or officiant to familiarize yourselves with the process and alleviate any uncertainties. Rehearsing can help build confidence and ensure that you feel prepared and comfortable on the big day.

9. Create a Relaxing Environment:

Create a relaxing environment on the morning of the ceremony to help calm your nerves and set a positive tone for the day. Play soothing music, light candles, or take a warm bath to help you feel grounded and centered before the festivities begin.

10. Stay Hydrated and Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol:

Stay hydrated and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption in the hours leading up to the ceremony. Dehydration and stimulants can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and jitteriness, so opt for water or herbal tea to stay refreshed and calm.

11. Have a Supportive Bridal Party or Wedding Team:

Surround yourself with a supportive bridal party or wedding team who can help alleviate stress and provide encouragement on the day of the ceremony. Lean on them for emotional support, practical assistance, and words of encouragement as you prepare to walk down the aisle.

12. Focus on Your Love and Commitment:

Above all, focus on the love and commitment that you share with your partner as you approach the ceremony. Remind yourselves why you're getting married and the reasons why you chose each other. Keeping your love at the forefront can help put things into perspective and minimize wedding ceremony nerves.

13. Embrace Imperfection and Flexibility:

Accept that not everything will go exactly as planned on your wedding day, and that's okay. Embrace imperfection and be flexible in the face of unexpected challenges or changes. Remember that what truly matters is the love you share with your partner and the commitment you're making to each other.

14. Seek Professional Support if Needed:

If wedding ceremony nerves become overwhelming or interfere with your ability to function, don't hesitate to seek professional support from a therapist or counselor. Talking to a mental health professional can provide you with tools and strategies for managing anxiety and navigating the emotions surrounding your wedding day.

15. Celebrate Your Accomplishments:

Finally, take time to celebrate your accomplishments leading up to the ceremony and acknowledge how far you've come as a couple. Celebrate the love, resilience, and strength that have brought you to this momentous occasion, and look forward to the joyous journey that lies ahead.


Dealing with wedding ceremony nerves is a common experience for many couples, but Remember that your wedding day is a celebration of your love and commitment, and with each other's support and presence, you can create a meaningful and memorable ceremony that reflects your unique relationship and journey together.


Tuesday 7 May 2024


Planning an LGBTQ+ wedding ceremony involves navigating unique considerations and sensitivities to ensure that the celebration is inclusive, respectful, and meaningful for all involved. From choosing the right language and ceremony elements to addressing potential challenges and embracing diversity, LGBTQ+ wedding ceremony etiquette is an essential aspect of creating a memorable and authentic celebration of love. In this guide, we'll explore etiquette and tips for planning an LGBTQ+ wedding ceremony that honors the couple's love and identity while fostering a welcoming and supportive environment for all.

1. Respect Pronouns and Identities:

When addressing the couple or referring to them during the ceremony, use their preferred pronouns and identities. This demonstrates respect for their gender identity and ensures that they feel seen and affirmed on their special day.

2. Use Inclusive Language:

Choose language that is inclusive and gender-neutral when crafting the ceremony script. Instead of using terms like "bride" and "groom," opt for alternatives like "partners" or "spouses" to reflect the diversity of relationships within the LGBTQ+ community.

3. Honor LGBTQ+ Traditions:

Incorporate LGBTQ+ traditions and customs into the ceremony to celebrate the couple's identity and heritage. This could include rituals like a rainbow handfasting ceremony, a same-sex version of the Jewish breaking of the glass, or a lavender wedding bouquet toss.

4. Be Mindful of Family Dynamics:

Be sensitive to the dynamics of the couple's families, especially if there are family members who may not fully accept their LGBTQ+ identities. Consider ways to navigate these relationships respectfully and ensure that all guests feel welcome and included in the celebration.

5. Choose LGBTQ+ Friendly Vendors:

Select vendors who are LGBTQ+ friendly and supportive of the couple's identity and love. This includes wedding planners, officiants, photographers, caterers, and other service providers who embrace diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all couples.

6. Create a Safe Space:

Ensure that the wedding venue is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ+ guests, free from discrimination or harassment. This may involve choosing a venue with inclusive policies and providing resources or support for guests who may feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

7. Address Legal Considerations:

Be aware of any legal considerations or requirements related to LGBTQ+ marriage in your jurisdiction. This may include obtaining a marriage license, understanding the legal rights and protections afforded to LGBTQ+ couples, and ensuring that the marriage is legally recognized.

8. Include LGBTQ+ Allies:

Invite LGBTQ+ allies to participate in the ceremony and show their support for the couple's love and identity. This could include family members, friends, or community leaders who have been advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.

9. Educate Guests:

Provide information or resources for guests who may be less familiar with LGBTQ+ issues and terminology. This can help to foster understanding and acceptance among guests and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for the couple.

10. Celebrate Diversity:

Embrace the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community and celebrate the unique identities and experiences of the couple and their guests. This could include incorporating elements of queer culture, history, and activism into the ceremony to honor the resilience and strength of the LGBTQ+ community.

11. Offer Support to the Couple:

Be prepared to offer emotional support to the couple, especially if they face challenges or discrimination related to their LGBTQ+ identity. Let them know that you are there for them and that you support their love and commitment to each other.

12. Respect Privacy and Boundaries:

Respect the couple's privacy and boundaries when discussing their LGBTQ+ identity and relationship. Avoid asking invasive or insensitive questions and focus on celebrating their love and commitment in a respectful and affirming way.

13. Highlight LGBTQ+ Representation:

Highlight LGBTQ+ representation in the ceremony by including readings, music, or performances by queer artists or activists. This can help to amplify LGBTQ+ voices and experiences and create a more inclusive and diverse celebration.

14. Consider LGBTQ+ Symbols and Colors:

Incorporate LGBTQ+ symbols and colors into the wedding decor and attire to celebrate the couple's identity and pride. This could include rainbow flags, pride ribbons, or other symbols of LGBTQ+ visibility and solidarity.

15. Embrace Non-Traditional Roles and Traditions:

Embrace non-traditional roles and traditions in the ceremony to reflect the unique dynamics of the couple's relationship. This could include having both partners walk down the aisle, choosing non-binary wedding attire, or creating a ceremony that reflects their shared values and interests.

Sunday 5 May 2024



Including children or pets in your wedding ceremony can add an extra layer of joy, love, and personality to your special day. Whether they're your own children, nieces and nephews, or beloved fur babies, involving them in your ceremony creates unforgettable moments and reinforces the sense of family and unity. In this guide, we'll explore creative ways to include children and pets in your wedding ceremony, ensuring that they feel cherished and celebrated as part of your big day.

1. Ring Bearer or Flower Girl:

One of the most traditional roles for children in a wedding ceremony is that of the ring bearer or flower girl. Dress them up in adorable outfits and have them walk down the aisle before the bride or groom, scattering flower petals or carrying the wedding rings on a decorative pillow or in a special ring box.

2. Junior Bridesmaids or Groomsmen:

If you have older children or teenagers in your family, consider including them as junior bridesmaids or groomsmen in your wedding party. They can stand alongside the adult bridesmaids and groomsmen during the ceremony and play a special role in supporting you and your partner on your big day.

3. Family Unity Rituals:

Incorporate family unity rituals into your ceremony to symbolize the blending of your families. For example, you could have a sand ceremony where each family member pours different colored sand into a shared container, representing the coming together of your lives and the creation of a new family unit.

4. Parental Blessing or Vows:

Include children in the exchange of vows or parental blessings to signify the commitment and love that you have for your family. You could include special vows or promises to your children, expressing your love and dedication to them as part of your marriage vows.

5. Family Medallion or Pendant Ceremony:

Present children with a special family medallion or pendant during the ceremony to symbolize their importance and place in your family. This could be a piece of jewelry that they wear during the ceremony and treasure as a keepsake for years to come.

6. Family Prayer or Blessing:

Have a family prayer or blessing as part of your ceremony to acknowledge the importance of your children in your marriage. This could be led by a family member or officiant and can be a touching moment for you and your children to share together.

7. Customized Vows or Promises:

Write customized vows or promises to your children to express your love, support, and commitment to them as part of your marriage. You could include promises to always be there for them, to love and support them unconditionally, and to cherish the family bond that you share.

8. Family Handfasting Ceremony:

Include a family handfasting ceremony as part of your wedding to symbolize the binding of your family's love and unity. Have each family member participate by wrapping a ribbon or cord around their hands as a symbol of their connection and commitment to each other.

9. Family Walk Down the Aisle:

Instead of having the bride or groom walk down the aisle alone, consider having the entire family walk down the aisle together. This can be a beautiful way to symbolize the journey that you're embarking on together as a family and to involve children in the processional.

10. Pet Attendants:

If you have pets that are an important part of your family, consider including them as pet attendants in your wedding ceremony. Dress them up in cute outfits and have them walk down the aisle with the wedding party or sit with you during the ceremony.

11. Pet Ring Bearer or Flower Pet:

Include your pets in the role of ring bearer or flower pet by attaching the rings to their collar or harness or having them carry a small basket of flowers down the aisle. Just be sure to have someone responsible to guide them and ensure that they behave appropriately during the ceremony.

12. Pet Blessing or Prayer:

Have a special pet blessing or prayer as part of your ceremony to honor the bond that you share with your furry friends. This could be led by your officiant or a family member and can be a heartfelt moment to express your love and gratitude for your pets.

13. Pet Portraits or Photo Booth:

Include your pets in your wedding photos by having them pose for portraits with you and your partner or setting up a pet-friendly photo booth at the reception. This allows you to capture special memories with your pets on your wedding day.

14. Pet-Inspired Decor:

Incorporate pet-inspired decor into your wedding ceremony and reception to pay homage to your furry friends. This could include custom signage, paw print motifs, or pet-themed centerpieces that add a whimsical touch to your celebration.

15. Pet-Inspired Wedding Favors:

Give guests pet-inspired wedding favors, such as homemade dog treats or catnip toys, to thank them for celebrating with you and to honor your pets' presence at the wedding.

Thursday 2 May 2024


Incorporating cultural traditions into your wedding ceremony is a wonderful way to honor your heritage, celebrate your cultural identity, and add depth and richness to your special day. Whether you're blending two cultures, paying homage to your roots, or simply infusing your ceremony with meaningful customs and rituals, incorporating cultural traditions can create a unique and memorable experience for you, your partner, and your guests. In this guide, we'll explore the significance of incorporating cultural traditions into your wedding ceremony and offer tips and ideas for doing so in a meaningful and respectful way.

Significance of Cultural Traditions:

Cultural traditions play a significant role in weddings, as they symbolize the values, beliefs, and customs of a particular culture or community. By incorporating these traditions into your wedding ceremony, you not only pay tribute to your heritage but also create a sense of connection and belonging for you and your guests.

Cultural traditions often have deep symbolic meaning, representing concepts such as love, unity, fertility, prosperity, and blessings for the couple's future together. They also serve as a way to honor ancestors, preserve cultural heritage, and pass down rituals and customs from generation to generation.

Tips for Incorporating Cultural Traditions:

Research Your Cultural Heritage: Begin by researching the cultural traditions and customs associated with your heritage. This may involve talking to family members, consulting cultural resources, or seeking guidance from cultural experts or community leaders.

Choose Meaningful Traditions: Select cultural traditions that hold personal significance for you and your partner. Whether it's a traditional wedding dance, a symbolic ritual, or a special ceremonial item, choose traditions that resonate with your values, beliefs, and relationship.

Blend Cultures Thoughtfully: If you and your partner come from different cultural backgrounds, consider blending traditions from both cultures to create a unique and inclusive ceremony. This could involve incorporating elements from each culture into different parts of the ceremony or creating a fusion ceremony that seamlessly integrates both traditions.

Educate Your Guests: Provide context and explanation for the cultural traditions included in your ceremony to ensure that all guests understand their significance and symbolism. This could be done through program notes, ceremony readings, or brief explanations from the officiant.

Respect Cultural Sensitivities: Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and religious beliefs when incorporating cultural traditions into your ceremony. Avoid appropriating or misrepresenting cultural practices, and seek guidance from cultural experts or community members if you have any questions or concerns.

Personalize the Traditions: Put your own unique spin on traditional cultural practices to make them more personal and reflective of your relationship. This could involve customizing ceremonial items, updating outdated customs, or adding personal touches that reflect your personalities and love story.

Involve Family and Community: Incorporate family members, elders, or community leaders into your ceremony to lend authenticity and meaning to the cultural traditions. This could include having family members perform traditional rituals, blessings, or readings, or inviting community members to share their cultural insights and blessings for the couple.

Celebrate Cultural Diversity: Embrace the diversity of your guests' backgrounds and encourage them to share their own cultural traditions and customs during the celebration. This could involve incorporating multicultural elements into the reception, such as music, food, and attire, to create a festive and inclusive atmosphere.

Ideas for Incorporating Cultural Traditions:

Traditional Attire: Wear traditional cultural attire, such as a sari, kimono, kilt, or hanbok, to honor your heritage and add a splash of color and culture to your wedding day.

Ceremonial Rituals: Incorporate traditional ceremonial rituals, such as a tea ceremony, sand ceremony, or handfasting, to symbolize unity, blessings, and commitment in your marriage.

Music and Dance: Include traditional music and dance performances from your cultural heritage to entertain guests and create a lively and festive atmosphere.

Cultural Foods and Drinks: Serve traditional foods and drinks from your cultural background during the reception to delight guests' taste buds and showcase your culinary heritage.

Cultural Blessings and Prayers: Include traditional blessings, prayers, or chants from your cultural tradition to invoke blessings and good fortune for your marriage.

Symbolic Rituals: Incorporate symbolic rituals, such as exchanging garlands, lighting candles, or breaking bread together, to signify love, unity, and prosperity in your marriage.

Family Traditions: Honor family traditions and customs passed down through generations by incorporating them into your ceremony as a way to connect with your roots and pay homage to your ancestors.

Language and Literature: Include readings, poems, or vows in your native language or from classic literature from your cultural heritage to add depth and meaning to your ceremony.


Incorporating cultural traditions into your wedding ceremony is a beautiful way to honor your heritage, celebrate your cultural identity, and create a meaningful and memorable experience for you and your guests. Whether you're blending cultures, paying homage to your roots, or simply infusing your ceremony with meaningful customs and rituals, embracing cultural traditions adds depth, richness, and authenticity to your special day. By researching your cultural heritage, choosing meaningful traditions, blending cultures thoughtfully, educating your guests, respecting cultural sensitivities, personalizing the traditions, involving family and community, and celebrating cultural diversity, you can create a wedding ceremony that reflects your unique identities, values, and love story.